Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Is Google testing TV Search Service

There is a recent report on WSJ which says that Google is trying to introduce Search into the TV services too. The report is available only to the Subscribed users, but still the idea is a very powerful one. The rumor around is that Google is testing a TV search service on Android OS set-top boxes. The service, being tested in conjunction with Dish Network satellite TV service, would allow users to search Dish programming as well as video Web properties, such as YouTube. But we will have to wait and see what would be the input controls in this case. Will our TV Remotes act like a Keyboard to enter the search terms and options?

Linking Web content and traditional TV programming into a searchable database for viewing is a smart idea. Eventually, TV programming will be funneled through the Internet instead of cable and satellite systems. Viewers will need a way to not only find programming but discover new ones, as well. Also the more interesting part is the role of Android in all these. Android has already been ported to Netbooks and Archos tablet like devices. So making a Set Top box run in Android might not be an impossible idea. Still, it’s hard to imagine that set-top boxes will be around for much longer as Web technology moves directly to the TV screen itself and eliminates the need for add-on devices.

Another interesting point to note here is, how Google is trying to integrate its Cash Cow (Search) into just about anything!!!!

Here is the WSJ article

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